基本頭 (Basic head) Basic head


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我做了這個郵票/畫筆,只是為了能夠畫得更快一些。當然,您可以擦除,轉換其中的一部分以重新繪製所需的內容或刪除不需要的內容。 I made this stamp/brush, just so I would be able to draw slightly quicker. of course you can erase, transform parts of it to redraw whats needed or remove whats not.


2. 轉到「畫筆筆尖」,按一下「材質」,然後按一下「添加畫筆筆尖形狀」
3. 找到此材料,然後按兩下它

1.Make a new brush and go to brush settings

2. Go to Brush Tip, Click Materials, and click "Add brush tip shape
3. Find this material, and double click it

After all this is done, select the brush and click once


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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