舞室角 (Danceroom Corner) Danceroom Corner


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  • 50 CLIPPY

房間的一角,旨在展示舞者角色。可以擦除零件,使其成為舞廳或音樂練習室。 A corner of a room intended to show off a dancer character. Can erase parts and make it a ballroom or a music practice room.

Includes a stool, barre, and space intended for a mirror. Each item and wall is separate, so it can be easily adjusted as necessary. The three corners pictured will be what you receive in the model. Should look something like this when light source is applied
Not meant to be viewed from the exterior. Check my profile for where to download for free.

材料 Material

  • 預設材質 Default material

分配 Allocate

  • 預設佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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