沙塞波特 1866 (Chassepot 1866) Chassepot 1866


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Chassepot,正式名稱為Fusil modèle 1866,是一種栓動式軍用後膛裝填步槍。它以在1870年至1871年的普法戰爭中成為法國軍隊的手臂而聞名。它取代了各種Minié槍口裝填步槍,其中許多在1864年被改裝成後膛裝填。 The Chassepot, officially known as Fusil modèle 1866, was a bolt action military breechloading rifle. It is famous for having been the arm of the French forces in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871. It replaced an assortment of Minié muzzleloading rifles, many of which were converted in 1864 to breech loading.



-You can find the rifle in the Downlanded materials file

-Can be used in sketches

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更新日期 : 2 years ago

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