工業工廠 (IndustrialPlant) IndustrialPlant


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各種植物的3D模型 3D model of a plant of sorts

我在Blender中工作的工廠/工業環境的主要,較大的部分之一。它非常大 - 如果我將其保持在適當的比例,它肯定無法在Clip中工作。它確實存在滯後/延遲的風險,但它仍然運行良好。我盡我所能減少出口,同時仍然保持大部分原樣。這是一件,因為使它們可移動將花費更長的時間,並冒著畫布損失的風險。使用它時請注意,因為它"正在發生很多事情"。
One of the main, larger pieces of the factory/industrial environment I'm working on in Blender. It's VERY large - had I kept it to proper scale it most certainly would not work in Clip. It does risk lag/delay, but it still works fairly well. I did my best to reduce what was exported while still keeping it mostly in-tact. It's one piece, because making them movable would have taken significantly longer times and risk canvas loss. Please be mindful when using it as there's 'a lot going on' with it.

材料 Material

  • 預設材質 Default material

分配 Allocate

  • 預設佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

foxmasque 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I just wanted to share parts of my model hoard. I intend to keep most if not all free. Please enjoy!