心形髮夾(大) (Heart Hair clip (large)) Heart Hair clip (large)


  • 191
  • 免費

我找不到心形髮夾刷,所以我自己做了一個。 I couldn't find a heart shaped hair clip brush so i made one myself.




我還將發佈一個捆綁包版本,其中我將包括一個獎勵:線條的向量層,因此您可以調整線條寬度和位置而不會降低品質。此捆綁包將設置為 10cp。
This is a heart shaped hair clip stamp that I made.
Please use it for larger canvases, since the lines are quite thin and will disappear if you turn the brush too small.

Consider using your mouse to stamp the brush, not your pen.

I will be releasing a version for smaller canvases later (also free).

I will also be releasing a bundle version, where I will include a bonus: a vector layer of the line, so you can adjust the line width and position without losing quality. This bundle will be set at 10cp.


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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