淡入淡出筆 (Fade Pen) Fade Pen


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外觀輕盈褪色的畫筆。 A brush with a light and faded appearance.

[1] 垂直繪製會形成細線。
[2] 水準可形成粗線(用於著色)。
[3] 旋轉畫布以在其他方向上更改厚度!
[4] 更改畫筆密度以調整暗度。
[5] 適用于詳細和輕盈的草圖。



[1] Drawing vertically makes thin lines.
[2] Horizontally makes thick lines (useful for shading).
[3] Rotate the canvas to change thickness at other directions!
[4] Change the brush density to adjust darkness.
[5] Works for detailed and light sketching.

+ My tablet doesn't have tilt support, so if you do, you can turn that on and adjust it accordingly to improve the use of the brush :) 

I like to sketch with this brush before paintings.


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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