bye 葉子刷 (木の葉ブラシ,Leaf brush) (bye 나뭇잎 브러시 (木の葉ブラシ,Leaf brush)) bye 나뭇잎 브러시 (木の葉ブラシ,Leaf brush)


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The leaf brush that I took on the side of the road
길가에서 찍은 나뭇잎 브러시
The leaf brush that I took on the side of the road




It is a leaf brush made of pictures taken on the side of the road.
I put it in with the drawing material.
I'd appreciate it if you could use it well.

길가에서 찍은 사진으로 만든 나뭇잎 브러시 입니다.

그림 소재랑 같이 넣었습니다.

잘 써주시면 감사하겠습니다.

It is a leaf brush made of pictures taken on the side of the road.
I put it in with the drawing material.
I'd appreciate it if you could use it well.

葉子 나뭇잎


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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