森林中的陽光 - 中 (Sunlight in the forest - Mid) Sunlight in the forest - Mid


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在這張照片中,視點在樹下,向上看,你可以看到透過樹葉的陽光。在這種綠色,藍色和白色的和諧組合中,您可以獲得能夠傳遞平靜,寧靜和安寧的全景。 In this image the viewpoint is under the trees, and looking up you can see the sunlight through the foliage; in this harmonious combination of green, blue and white you get a panorama capable of transmitting calm, serenity and tranquility.


A simple but perfect image, it can be used in multiple scenarios thanks to the emotions it transmits or for the view from the bottom up: a common scenario of many scenes set in a wood or in a forest.


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

Gretah 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi everyone, I am a sweety little Pineapple! I like to draw on clip studio, but my real passion, job and life-key for happyness is photography, and sometimes I will share my results in assets and material. Hope you like them, let's have fun together! ^ w^ /