哥特式梯度集 (Gothic Gradient Set) Gothic Gradient Set


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怪異的黑暗梯度為你怪異的圖片! Spooky dark gradients for your spooky eerie pictures!

這裡有一堆大部分是涼爽的顏色,不飽和,哥特式梯度。 他們可以使任何圖像看起來沉悶,怪異,悲傷,悲傷,可怕和神秘。* o


每個梯度都有一個輕微的怪異或溫和的描述性名稱。 隨意更改名稱,以便您更容易記住;


1. 愛麗絲
2. 柔和的城市燈光
3. 雨花園
4. 暴風雨過後的黎明
5. 恐怖
6. 冰冷的接待

祝你今天愉快, 希望你喜歡這些!
Here's a bunch of mostly cool-colored, desaturated, gothic gradients.  They can make any image look dreary, eerie, sad, mournful, scary, and mysterious. :o

The op image by itself is the original image drawn in grayscale.

Each gradient has a mildly spooky or mildly descriptive name.  Feel free to change the name so they're easier for you to remember ;w;

They can add atmosphere by using them as overlays & soft light too:

The original is starred, the rest are gradients applied with "overlay":
1. alice
2. gentle city lights
3. rainy garden
4. dawn after a storm
5. horror
6. icy reception

have a lovely day, hope you enjoy these!

哥特式哇哦 gothic whooo


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D