吉布林茨工作空間 (Jibblets Workspace) Jibblets Workspace


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我的自訂工作空間與隱藏的抽屜,方便在插圖期間訪問。 My custom workspace with hidden drawers for easy access during illustration.



This is my typical workspace, which makes heavy use of hidden panels to ensure a smooth illustration process. Following are two examples of the set up with panels hidden, and unhidden.

I make use of these hidden panels so that I can maximize my work space and use as few buttons on my tablet, keyboard, or mouse as possible so that my work flow is not interupted. The quick access is highly customized for maximum comfort, please make sure to do so that way the layout can be utilized to its full potiential.


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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