林萊特刷 (Ringlet Brushes) Ringlet Brushes


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環狀刷上的四個變化,使繪製頭髮更容易! Four variations on a ringlet brush to make drawing hair easier!


There are two flavours, B&W lineart and shaded lineart, and each comes with a flipped version so you can draw from whichever direction is most comfortable. The shaded ones were meant to be used as part of a greyscale-to-colour workflow, but they will also respond to selected colours.

卷髮 Ringlets


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

Xaotician 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi! I make brushes sometimes. You can find more of them in my Ko-fi shop, but I will try to upload some of them here too.