低保利媽媽花盆 (Low-Poly Mums Flower Pot) Low-Poly Mums Flower Pot


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  • 免費

一盆低聚的菊花。 A low-poly pot of chrysanthemum flowers.

我絕對建議打開無背臉剔除, 因為花瓣是平的, 以節省幾何。

**按一下物件的任何部分。 在功能表上,顯示在 底部,按一下扳手,打開子工具詳細資訊,轉到 偏好選項卡,然後渲染設置,並檢查後臉剔除框。

I definitely recommend turning on the No Backface Culling as the petals are flat to save on geometry.

**Click on any part of the object.  At the menu that shows up around the bottom, click the wrench, open the sub tool details, go to the preference tab, then rendering settings, and check the backface culling box.**

材料 Material

  • 預設材料 Default material

分配 Allocate

  • 預設佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

SunnySummerSky 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hey there! I do pixel art, illustration, 3D models, animations, and all kinds of stuff. I want to make artist's lives easier with my models here. Enjoy! Follow my socials if ya want and reach out if you need a custom model made!