自訂閃電刷集 (Custom Lightning Brush set) Custom Lightning Brush set


  • 412
  • 50 CLIPPY

自訂閃電刷集 Custom lightning brush set

如果你使用我的畫筆, 請歸功於我, 如果你能連結到刷子集請和謝謝你。
If you use any of my brushes please credit me and if you can link to the brush set please and thank you.

刷集 brush set


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

NightmareCaster 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I'm just a small-time freelance artist. I made brushes when I used the program. If there are problems I will not be able to fix any of the brushes in CSP if they are broken. I'm currently working on making brushes for Manga Studio 5, Sai2, and PSS.