1955 .44 萬能 A 1955 .44 Magnum
-我以前的槍型號的照明有問題, 但我擺弄了最新的型號, 所以它應該看起來比以前更好。這次不需要指導。
CSP 內部的 3D 檔圖像:

-There were problems with the lighting with my previous gun models but I've fiddled with the latest models so it should look better than before. And there's no need for instruction this time.
--Since I saw a lot of people liked the previous models I'm extending the date of the new models by the end of August.
Image of the 3d file inside CSP:

材料 Material
預設材料 Default material
分配 Allocate
預設佈局 Default layout