寫資訊和充實你的角色個性的範本! Template for writing information and fleshing out the personalities of your characters!
建議使用 A4 肖像尺寸和 600DPI 解析度。
- 字元插圖部分
- 名稱 / 昵稱
- 年齡
- 性
- 高度 (ht.)
- 重量 (wt.)
- 手: 角色是左手 / 右手嗎?
- 語音類型: 角色有什麼樣的聲音,或者你想像角色有什麼樣的配音演員?
- 視力 / 色盲: 角色需要眼鏡還是有完美的視力?角色是色盲嗎?
- 比賽
- 宗教
- 喜歡
- 討厭
- 恐懼 / 恐懼症
- 就業/教育; 是高中、大學、工作等的人物。
- 經濟地位; 如果角色是窮人或富人
- 寵物/植物; 角色擁有什麼寵物?
- 個性特徵; 快樂, 憤怒, 樂觀主義者, 憤世嫉俗者
- 優勢/弱點; 性格擅長什麼,他們的權衡是什麼?
- 愛好 / 娛樂 / 習慣 / 諺語; 角色喜歡在閒置時間做什麼,或者他們最喜歡的事情是什麼。
- 背景故事; 為角色編寫更詳細背景故事的空間。
- 希望 / 夢想 / 願望 / 榜樣: 角色仰慕誰的靈感?他們人生的最終目標是什麼?他們的夢想職業是什麼?
- 家人: 誰是角色的家庭成員?
- 朋友: 誰是角色的直接朋友?
- 情人 / 愛情或婚姻的想法: 誰以前約會過這個角色或與誰有關系?角色對愛情和婚姻的看法是什麼,他們有興趣尋找一個浪漫的伴侶,還是不感興趣。他們是結婚還是反對結婚?
A) 從材料中拖動和丟棄範本(注:範本可在下載部分或圖像材料部分找到):
B) 創建新畫布,按一下範本部分,在創建新畫布時選擇"字元表範本 V2":
層範本包含 3 層。範本層已鎖定。
1. 在"字元圖片"資料夾中插入字元的插圖。
2. 將黑色預留位置文字替換為有關您性格的資訊。
When creating a new character, some of the challenges is creating a unique personality with their own personal tastes, hobbies and history. With this template, you will get a start on what is required for each character to be unique.
It is recommended to use A4 PORTRAIT dimensions and 600dpi resolution.
The sheet information includes:
- A section for Character Illustration
- Name / Nicknames
- Age
- Sex
- Height (ht.)
- Weight (wt.)
- Handness: Is the character left / right handed?
- Voice Type: What kind of voice does the character have or what voice actor do you imagine the character to have?
- Eyesight / Color-blind: Does the character require glasses or do they have perfect vision? Is the character colorblind?
- Race
- Religion
- Likes
- Dislikes
- Fears / Phobias
- Employment / Education; Is the character in High School, College, Working, etc.
- Economic Status; If the character is poor or wealthy
- Pets / Plants; What pets does the character own?
- Personality Traits; Happy, Angry, Optimist, Cynic
- Strengths / Weakness; What is the character good at, and what are their trade offs.
- Hobbies / Recreations / Habits / Sayings; What does the character like to do in their free time or what are their favorite things to say.
- Backstory; A space for writing a more detailed backstory for the character.
- Hopes / Dreams / Aspirations / Role Models: Who does the character look up to for inspiration? What is their ultimate goal in life? What is their dream occupation?
- Family: Who are the family members of the character?
- Friends: Who are the direct friends of the character?
- Lovers / Thoughts on Love or Marriage: Who has previously dated the character or had relations with? And what are the character's thoughts on love and marriage, are they interested in finding a romantic partner or are they disinterested. Are they for marriage or against marriage?
How to use this Layer Template:
A) Drag and drop the template from the Materials (NOTE: The template can be found in the Downloads section OR the Image Material section):
B) Create a new canvas, click the template section, select "Character Sheet Template V2" when creating a new canvas:
The layer template contains 3 layers. The template layer is locked.
1. Insert the illustration of the character in the "Character Picture" folder.
2. Replace the black placeholder text with information about your character.