裝飾元素適合用作衣服、裝飾、牆壁和傢俱的裝飾品或您希望的裝飾。 Decorative elements suitable for use as decorations on clothes, decor, walls and furniture or as you wish.
- 從材料目錄中提取
- 複製和修改,以適應禮服
- 合併每個元素的水準
Decorative example:
- extract from the Material Catalog
- rasterized layer
- only one decoration element has been chosen
- duplicated and modified to fit the dress
- merged the levels of each element
- duplicate level
- the new level has been changed with ADD (GLOW)
- Also a BLUR filter has been given -> GAUSSIAN BLUR
- erased some points with SOFT rubber to show the first level below.
Thus created a simple golden effect