33 噪音刷 (33 Noise Brushes) 33 Noise Brushes


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16種不同的噪音刷! 加上17個新的! 16 Different Noise Brushes! Plus 17 New ones!

十六刷用於製造噪音和覆蓋空間。 我喜歡黑色和白色,但它們都可以改變顏色。 每個名字都是以他們的裝飾命名的,但如果你願意,可以隨意更改名稱。

1. 點網格散射
2. 線路塊
3. 布塊
4. 雪泥
5. 蓬鬆斑點
6. 點格直
7. 墨水斑點
8. 海綿
9. 模糊的扁平刷
10. 飛濺
11. 軟噪音
12. 無組織點
13. 對比跳棋(使用調色板的主要顏色和子顏色)
14. 笨重的噪音
15. 平布洛特
16. 純噪音


下面是一些畫筆的顏色外觀。 你可以做一些有趣的褪色和混合與他們:0


2021 年 8 月 5 日起的新畫筆

1. 直草般的噪音
2. 野草般的噪音

3. 毛茸茸的線線方向
4. 毛茸茸的線野生
5. 圓點噪音
6. 直半音鼻
7. 野生半音噪音

8. 斑點雲
9. 90 度短跑重疊

10. 汙跡噪音
11. 不良刺

13. 顆粒狀點

14. 劃痕點
15. 短計數標記直
16. 帶邊框的墨蹟
17. 短塔利標記行方向
Sixteen Brushes for creating noise and covering space.  I like them in black and white, but all of them can change color.  Each were named after their apperance, but feel free to change the name if you'd like.

The tips can be customized to be softer or harder: on the left is a soft version (density and / or opacity determined by pressure) and the right is hard (brush without pressure).
1. Dot Grid Scatter
2. Line Block
3. Cloth Blot
4. Snow Slush
5. Fluffy Spots
6. Dot Grid Straight
7. Ink Blot
8. Sponge
9. Blurry Flat Brush
10. Splatter
11. Soft Noise
12. Disorganized Dots
13. Contrasting Checkers (Uses the main color and the sub color of your palette)
14. Chunky Noise
15. Flat Blot
16. Pure Noise

These have 3 previews since they have the most variation.

Here is how a few of the brushes look in color.  You can make a few fun fades and mixes with them :0

Hope you enjoy these!


1. Straight Grass-like Noise
2. Wild Grass-like Noise

3. Hairy Lines Direction of Line
4. Hairy Lines Wild
5. Dot Circle Noise
6. Straight Halftone Nose
7. Wild Halftone Noise

8. Blot Clouds
9. 90 Degree Dashes Overlap

10. Smudge Noise
11.  Bad Stippling

12.Square Dither
13. Grainy Dots

14. Scratched Dots
15. Short Tally Marks Straight
16. Inkblot with Border
17. Short Tally Marks Direction of Line

刷朋友:) Brush Friends :)

新刷朋友! New Brush Friends!


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D