57 塗鴉圖案 (57 Doodle Patterns) 57 Doodle Patterns


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有時你不想畫背景。 這些圖案是為那些時候,每當你想添加裝飾觸摸。 Sometimes you don't feel like drawing a background. These patterns are for those times and whenever else you want to add a decorative touch.

編輯 2021 年 4 月 8 日:添加更多模式。

我正在尋找一些模式, 我想要的, 但找不到, 然後瘋了, 畫了一堆簡單的模式。 隨心所欲地使用它們。

隨意更改顏色。 它們都是灰度的,但有些是灰色的,所以一定要改變這一點太(對不起,我失去了跟蹤哪些是和哪些不是:w;

這些都是在較小的一面,因為大多數鉛筆工具看起來不太擅長大尺寸。 我為此道歉,我會看看我是否會做出任何進一步的模式,我可以改變這一點。

Edit April 8th 2021: Added more patterns.

I was looking for a few patterns that I wanted but couldn't find, then went crazy and drew a bunch of simple patterns.  Use them for whatever you like.

Feel free to change their color.  They all come in grayscale, but some are in layer mode grey so make sure to change that too (I'm sorry, I lost track of which are and which are not ;w; ).

These are on the smaller side as most pencil tools do not look good at large sizes.  I apologize for that, I'll see if I make any further patterns that I can change that.

形狀 Shapes

自然 Nature

網 格 Grids

線條和點 Lines and Dots


2021年4月8日:添加更多模式。 April 8th 2021: Added more patterns.


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D