泰瑟拉#002 (Tessellation #002) Tessellation #002


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基於埃舍爾作品的簡單模式。 A simple pattern based on a work by Escher.


在所有情況下,它都是相同的模式,但有 3 個版本:

版本 1: 與顏色

版本 2: 僅黑色


My second pattern based on a work by Escher.

It is the same pattern in all the cases, but there are 3 versions:

Version 1: With colors

Version 2: Only Black
(The white areas are transparent)

Version 3: Black and White

與顏色 With color

無色 Colorless


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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