蕾絲 - 簡單 (Lace - simple) Lace - simple


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-畫筆檔由600 DPI製成
Made This brush for comic/web toon use
- Original is black -> Expect for one
- The color mixing is On.
- The brush is transparent
- the brush file is made in 600 DPI
- This brushes will remain free
-made 3 new brushes, although one brush I'm wasn't sure If I made it in in right dpi so I made an new version in case sorry in advance

蕾絲 - 簡單 Laces - Simple


又加了 3 個蕾絲刷 Added 3 more lace brushes


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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Artist trying to improve both myself and my art