絲繩刷 (Silk Rope Brush) Silk Rope Brush


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多鏈編織繩/繩刷,設計為看起來像日本絲綢繩。 Multi-strand braided rope/cord brush, designed to look like Japanese silk rope.

注意到沒有人做了一個七或十鏈編織繩刷 (我能找到), 所以我做了一個!它有一些小的故障與曲線太緊, 但它適合我的需要, 希望它適合其他人的需要!
Noticed that nobody had made a seven- or ten-strand braided rope brush (that I could find), so I made one! It's got a few minor hitches with curves that are too tight, but it suited my needs and hopefully it suits some other people's needs too!



公開日期 : 4 years ago

更新日期 : 4 years ago

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I draw things, sometimes I make brushes, and sometimes I think other people could use those brushes so they can also draw things.