柯比裂紋刷 - 由馬特 (Kirby Crackle Brushes - by Matt) Kirby Crackle Brushes - by Matt


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這組畫筆再現了柯比裂紋效果。 This set of brushes recreates the Kirby Crackle effect.

柯比裂紋刷集合 - 由馬特

我已經嘗試了很長一段時間,以 手工或 (數位)畫筆渲染柯比裂紋效果。看起來不簡單!研究這個問題,我創建了一組畫筆剪輯工作室油漆,有一些輕微的差異,一個彼此,除了"Sqr K"系列是有點不同。
K系列中 (除了描邊或裂紋 ,沒有其他 名稱),斑點幾乎是完全圓形的。
在原始 K 系列中 ,斑點更"手工製作"。
X-Raw K系列具有更增強的手工效果。

最近,我添加了 Xtreme-Raw 系列,具有更手工製作的效果。
最後,在 Sqr K 系列中,斑點是正方形;我做了這個系列的樂趣, 試圖看看它是如何可以有方點在柯比裂紋...然而,我用他們使有趣的奇怪的彩色光束:

我喜歡原始 K 系列 , 但嘗試他們, 並選擇你最喜歡的。

我的意思是 中風 刷最適合填充和 裂紋 刷最適合能量束,爆炸或什麼(如果你不知道我在說什麼,請在互聯網上搜索柯 裂紋!數位只指創建的順序,由於畫筆彼此下降,我保留它們。

馬 特

Kirby Crackle brushes collection - by Matt

I have been trying for a long time to render the Kirby Crackle effect, by hand or with a (digital) brush. It's not simple as it seems! Studing this issue, i created a set of brushes for Clip Studio Paint, that have some slight differences one from another, except for the "Sqr K" series that is a little more different.
In the K series (without any other name except Stroke or Crackle) the spots are almost perfectly circular.
In the Raw K series the spots are more "handmade".
The X-Raw K series has a more enhanced handmade effect..

Lately I added the Xtreme-Raw series, with an even more handmade effect.
Finally, in the Sqr K series the spots are squares; i made this series for fun, to try to see how it could be having square spots in a Kirby crackle... However, I use them to make funny strange coloured beams:

I love the Raw K series, but try them and chose your favorites.

I mean the Stroke brushes most suited for fillings and the Crackle brushes most suited for energy beams, explosions or something (if you don't know what I'm talking about please search on the internet for Kirby Crackle!). Numbers refer just to the order of creation, and since brushes descend one from another, I kept them.




公開日期 : 4 years ago

更新日期 : 4 years ago

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I'm a cartoonist, caricaturist and illustrator based in Italy. * Clip Studio Paint Official Expert *