發刷漫畫 (Hair brush manga) Hair brush manga


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發刷漫畫 Hair brush manga

我正在尋找這樣的刷子, 因為我嘗試這種風格, 我沒有看到太多的自由, 所以無論我試圖使它自己, 我有點喜歡它, 所以享受

* 有 8 個畫筆 (最後 2 個有點相同, 但不管怎樣)

I was looking for brushes like this since i'm trying this style and I didn't see much free, So whatever I tried to make it myself and I kinda like it, so enjoy
Hope you like it~

·There's 8 brushes (The last 2 are kinda the same but whatever)
·You can change the color.
·Play with the thickness options, so you can flatten or lengthen the brush.
·Use the white whicks  in the base color and then use the black again to make better forms.
·Also remember that can use the transparent color in every brush to erase with that form.
·You can use them also for highlights or paint strands.

·You can see the decline of the first brushes:,)



公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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