番茄醬到地圖 (Ketchup to Map) Ketchup to Map


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是的!這太奇怪了!* 我用番茄醬, 但其他深色粘性液體應該工作!其他看起來相似的圖像可能也有效 - 倒雲的照片作為外在。隨意實驗!

我喜歡 Ttrpgs (表頂級角色扮演遊戲), 他們需要大量的地圖製作, 所以我開發了一種方法隨機生成好看的地圖!

1. 將一些分離的番茄醬點放在厚厚的餐巾紙/紙巾上。

2. 隨機折疊和壓碎餐巾紙。• 不要完全粉碎, 否則它會使一個大 Blob 。
3. 拍照!

4. 將照片傳輸到剪輯工作室畫
5. 編輯照片,使餐巾紙佔用整個畫布。* 2500px + 在最小的一側是理想的。
6. 打開您的自動操作視窗並使用它!
7. (可選?清理地圖!擦除邊緣,使用粗糙的邊緣畫筆進行編輯。
Yup! This is a weird one! * I use ketchup, but other dark viscous liquids should work! Other images that look similar may work as well - inverted photos of clouds for exmaple. Feel free to experiment!

I love TTRPGs (Table Top Role Playing Games) and they require a lot of mapmaking, so i developed a way to randomly generate good looking maps!

1. Place some separated dots of ketchup on a thick napkin/paper towel.

2. Fold and crush the napkin randomly. * don't crush entirely or else it'll make One Big Blob.
3. Take a photo!

4. Transfer photo to Clip Studio Paint
5. Edit the photo so the napkin takes up the whole canvas. * 2500px + on the smallest side is ideal.
6. Open your auto action window and use it!
7. (Optional?) Clean up the map! erase edges and edit with a rough edged brush.


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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I'm a Webtoon creator based in Canada!