飲料和飲料紋理 (Beverage and Drink textures) Beverage and Drink textures


  • 167
  • 10 CLIPPY

快速建立五顏六色的飲料與這個飲料紋理包! Quickly create colorful drinks with this beverage textures pack!


1. 製作玻璃和液體。將它們放在單獨的圖層上。我設置玻璃層發光。
2. 使用剪裁層將材料放在液體頂部。如有必要,調整尺寸。
3. 在不同的圖層上添加白色伊利普斯,然後進行剪輯。設置為發光閃避。
4. 使用橡皮擦或蒙版在照明中創建方差。
5. 嘗試添加多個圖層以遮蔽玻璃,或添加其他照明,並設置要添加的圖層。


Create colorful drinks with this materials pack!

1. Create your glass and liquid. Make them on seperate layers. I set the glass layers to glow.
2. Use a clipping layer to set the material on top of the liquid. Adjust the size if necessary.
3. Add a white elipse on a different layer, then clip it. Set it to glow dodge.
4. Use the eraser or a mask to create variance in the lighting.
5. Try adding in a multiple layer to shade the glass, or adding additional lighting with a layer set to add.

For Chocolate Drip, trying using the mesh transform tool or additional masks to get a rounded effect.

飲料 Drinks


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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