白色點綴畫筆 (White dotted brush) White dotted brush


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另一個點綴畫筆,為您的繪圖添加有趣的紋理(或其他功能,如您喜歡)! Another dotted brush to add fun textures to your drawings (or other functions as you'd like)!



P.S.: 對於黑色版本, 檢查我的其他已發佈材料!

I created this brush for personal use, since I enjoy the vibe it gives to some of my characters, and decided to share it here.
Please feel free to modify it however you'd like. You can get really creative with the settings and make up new utilities for it.

Thanks for checking it out!

P.S.: for the black version, check my other published materials!


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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a struggling artist trying her best (・∀・)ノ | 18 | brazil | she/her | PT-BR/ENG