絲帶 (Ribbon) Ribbon


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我的第一個自訂畫筆。這應該是模仿書法/浸筆。此畫筆創建類似于功能區的線條,因此創建名稱。我希望你和我喜歡我的刷子! My first custom brush. This is supposed to mimic a calligraphy/dip pen. This brush creates lines that resemble ribbons, hence the name. I hope you enjoy my brush as much as I do!

這支筆有一個75o角,因此能夠在書寫時交替其厚度。此筆也有傾斜設置,因此您不必過於頻繁地更改畫筆大小,因為根據您的 wacpm 筆的傾斜/定位情況,也會確定線條的厚度。下面是畫筆的一個小示例。感謝您的下載,享受!

This pen has a 75º angle to it so able to alternate its thickness while writing. This pen has a tilt setting as well so you won’t have to change the brush size too often as depending on how you tilt/position your wacpm pen will determine the line’s thickness as well. Here is a small example of the brush. Thank you for downloading, enjoy!


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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