畫筆:5 點星形郵票 (28 件) (Brushes: 5-point Star Stamps (28 pcs)) Brushes: 5-point Star Stamps (28 pcs)


  • 689
  • 60 CLIPPY

我畫了這些 5 點星, 做成郵票刷。
I drew these 5-point stars and made into stamp brushes.
Please adjust settings as needed.


畫筆描邊示例 - - - - - - - - - - - - 使用 B&W 和兩種不同顏色組合的畫筆(
The brushes are set to draw one-size stamps in a row, so feel free to edit the settings as you please.
I hope you enjoy these simple decoration brushes.

Example of brush stroke - - - - - - - - - - - The brush in different colors (two-tone brushes using B&W and two different color combinations)

渲染的星空 Stars Rendered

星星固體 Stars Solid

僅星輪廓 Stars Outlines Only


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

MirjaHCreative 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

A Finnish lady with a bad back and half-disability pension due to that. Age 40+. Hobbyist digital artist planning on an original comic/webtoon. Apparently I make Clip Studio Assets, too. Social media handle @MirjaHCreative