花卉畫筆 (Floral Brushes) Floral Brushes


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Similar to my foliage pack, this one has a variety of flowers. Pack includes: cherry blossoms, cherry blossom petals, 2 rose brushes, rose petals, lilypads, lotus flowers, clovers, daisies, buttercups (which can work as generic flowers), windflowers, butterfly weeds, and orchids.



公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

GlimmerGuts 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Sylvanus // Guts ✧ Publishing materials I create to make my own process more streamlined. Brushes, models, etc. Open to suggestions but no promises. ✧ pls let me rig your models ✧ ENG