絲帶雲刷小巫婆 (Ribbon Cloud Brush tinywitchdraws) Ribbon Cloud Brush tinywitchdraws


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它真的很好的背景和繪畫的天空很少努力。我絕對喜歡這個刷子, 它改進了我的工作流程這麼多!

你可以很容易地用它與滑鼠, 所以你甚至不需要平板電腦, 老實說, 我很高興。
It’s really good for backgrounds and painting skies with little effort. I absolutely LOVE this brush, it has improved my workflow so much!

You can use it easily with a mouse so you don’t even need a tablet, honestly I’m so happy with it.


This is a cloud ribbon brush for making highlights easily


影響 Effect


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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