Vhs 格利奇 (VHS Glitches) VHS Glitches


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靜態、掃描、掃描故障和色化打鼾! Static, scanlines, scanning glitches, and chromatic abberation!

這組包含一些靜態效果、掃描線、掃描毛刺和色化作用,以模仿 80 年代和 90 年代 VHS 美學。




注意:建議最後應用 ///色化過濾!它會過濾所有的效果,看起來更像一個CRT螢幕。我就是這麼想的, 也許你會發現別的東西效果更好

要使 /// 色度打貝可見,請移動一個或多個紅色、綠色或藍色圖層。

如果希望 /// 色度打量模糊,請將模糊應用於所有紅色、綠色和藍色圖層。
注意: [↔] 線性燒錄濾鏡用於使繪圖在原始圖形仍然可見時出現更多的毛刺。請將 + ↔ + 線性燒錄濾鏡直接應用到 = 波毛刺和↔毛刺圖層上。

如果您使用的是 # 靜態效果,請嘗試嘗試圖層混合設置、不透明度和對比度/亮度設置!


This set contains a few static effects, scanlines, scanning glitches, and chromatic abberation effects to mimic the 80s and 90s VHS aesthetic.

If you want to see the settings I used, click on the arrow beside the action!

Layers named "you can delete this layer" makes sure the action "Merge Visible to New Layer" can be performed at any time. After the auto action has been applied, you can delete these layers.

If you want to apply a specific auto action repeatedly without creating more layers, please click the arrow beside the action's name and select the action you want, then click the play button.
Any auto action that isn't last in the list will apply everything below the action you chose as well.

Note: it's recommended to apply the /// Chromatic Abberation filters last! It will filter all the effects and look more like a CRT screen. That's just what I think, maybe you'll find something else works better

To have the /// Chromatic Abberation visible, please move one or more of the Red, Green, or Blue layers.

If you want the /// Chromatic Abberation to be blurry, please apply blur onto all Red, Green, and Blue layers.
Note: the } ↔ ▲ Linear Burn Filter is used to make the drawing appear more glitched while having the original drawing still visible. Please apply the } ↔ ▲ Linear Burn Filter directly onto } Wave Glitch and ↔ Horizontal Glitch layers.

If you're using the # Static effects, try experimenting with the layer blend settings, opacity, and contrast/brightness settings!

I had a lot of fun making these! I hope you'll enjoy them too!


公開日期 : 4 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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a little bit of stuff