針織 2 (Knit 2) Knit 2


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一行針織的 2 版。這是非常多才多藝的,因為它可以用作編織,線,或大針織電纜。當放置在連續行中時,它可以創建針織織物紋理。與這組其他畫筆配對良好。 Version 2 of a line of knit stiching. This is very versatile as it can be used as a braid, cord, or large knit cable. When placed in successive rows it can create knit fabric texture. Pairs well with other brushes in this set.

一行針織的 2 版。這是非常多才多藝的,因為它可以用作編織,線,或大針織電纜。當放置在連續行中時,它可以創建針織織物紋理。與這組其他畫筆配對良好。
Version 2 of a line of knit stiching. This is very versatile as it can be used as a braid, cord, or large knit cable. When placed in successive rows it can create knit fabric texture. Pairs well with other brushes in this set.



公開日期 : 4 years ago

更新日期 : 4 years ago

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I am a hobbyist. Sometimes I make things. Sometimes I share them.