Rl 右 (RL-right) RL-right


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此素材不適用於智慧型手機版CLIP STUDIO PAINT・平板電腦版CLIP STUDIO PAINT的[簡約模式]。

此工作區映射鍵盤快速鍵以匹配 Photoshop 的快速鍵以及一些有用的命令列和選擇欄配置。 This workspace maps keyboard shortcuts to match those of Photoshop’s as well some helpful command bar and selection bar configurations.

此工作區映射鍵盤快速鍵以匹配 Photoshop 的快速鍵以及一些有用的命令列和選擇欄配置。

下載後,它將顯示在您的視窗 > 材料 [下載] 資料夾中。將其拖到畫布上。剪輯工作室將要求您保存當前工作區。輸入名稱,然後按一下"確定"。然後將載入新工作區。

This workspace maps keyboard shortcuts to match those of Photoshop’s as well some helpful command bar and selection bar configurations.

Once downloaded, it will appear in your Window > Material [Download] folder. Drag it onto your canvas. Clip Studio will ask you to save your current workspace. Enter a name and click OK. The new workspace will then load.




公開日期 : 6 years ago

更新日期 : 6 years ago

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