過剰なディテールパターン (Excessive Detail Patterns) Excessive Detail Patterns


  • 305
  • 無料

何らかの理由で詳細が多すぎる場合。 When you need way too much detail for some reason.



低コントラストの色と高コントラストの色では、結果が異なります。 いろいろと試してみて、自分に合ったものを見つけてください。

These types of patterns are good as subtle filler to make an area more interesting.  

You can use them as a bold neutral, as fake lace or knit, or be subtle and use them just to liven up a solid area.

Low contrast and high contrast colors provide different results.  Play around and see what's right for you:

情報が多すぎる too much information


公開日 : 4時間前

更新日 : 4時間前

saturns_dayさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D
