ClieselのGoongiペンv.2 (Cliesel's Goongi Pen v.2) Cliesel's Goongi Pen v.2


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もやもやした感じのペン。線画(またはスケッチ)に柔らかく質感のある外観を与えます。ブラシの形状は背の高い楕円で、100%の圧力で書道の太さを可能にします。[バージョン2:ブラシに微妙なざらざらしたテクスチャが重なりました! A pen with a hazy feeling; give your lineart (or sketch) a soft but textured look. The brush shape is a tall ellipse and allows a calligraphic thickness at 100% pressure. [VERSION 2: Now with a subtle rough texture overlayed on the brush!]

◤ 圧力試験


◤ レコメンデーション


全体として、私のお気に入りのペンの1つでたくさん楽しんでいただければ幸いです。( ́▽'ʃ♡ƪ)ぜひ、どんなアートが作れるのか楽しみにしています。

◤ Pressure Test

The pressure settings is in a slight concave curve. Because the brush shape's image is a tall ellipse, if you apply a lot of pressure at the end, it will have little no taper. The tests on the right have me alternating pen pressure.

◤ Reccomendations

I reccomend using this pen for sketches or if you want your lineart to have a soft and analog look. I don't reccomend increasing the size to be super big for coloring large spaces, but I think you can work with it like a thin color pencil. Please feel free to adjust the texture density any way you'd like in the settings.

Overall, I hope you have lots of fun with one of my favorite pens! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) I'd love to see what kind of art you will be able to make with it.



公開日 : 2時間前

更新日 : 2時間前

Clieselさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Hello! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o The name's Cliesel, I'm a PH Artist that loves watercolor art and drawing characters.
