吹き出しエクストラ (Speech Bubble Extras) Speech Bubble Extras


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• 「バルーンリンク」マテリアルを使用する場合、リンクする両方の吹き出しを同じレイヤー上に配置して接続する必要があります。
• 前述の通り、「思考の尻尾」と「思考のおまけ」は、1つの素材に複数のピースが入っています。つまり、調整が簡単であることに加えて、パネルに合わせてそれらのビットを取り外すことができます。

Step 1: Drag the material onto the canvas. Make sure you have the speech bubble you want to attach it to there as well!

Step 2: The material will be larger than expected, so size it down (or up, if necessary) to the size you need.
(Note: The "thought tail" and "thought extras" are several pieces in one material. This is to make them easy to adjust, but when you're moving and resizing, make sure that all of them are selected!)

Step 3: Merge the balloon extra layer with the speech bubble layer to combine them!

Step 4: Using the Object Operation tool, make any adjustments you need to make to the extra so it suits your liking!

Some notes:
• These image materials were made with a 10px brush size, 100 thickness, a black line color, and a white fill color. All of these details can be edited using the tool property window, so adjust them as needed to match your speech bubbles!
• When using the "balloon link" material, you'll need to have both speech bubbles it links to on the same layer to connect them together.
• As mentioned earlier, the "thought tail" and "thought extras" are several pieces in one material. That means in addition to being easy to adjust, you can remove bits of them to suit your panels.

Hope you find these helpful!

吹き出しエクストラ Speech Bubble Extras


公開日 : 1か月前

更新日 : 1か月前

stelladenteさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく
