キュートでポップな紙吹雪 (Cute Pop Confetti) Cute Pop Confetti


  • 236
  • 無料

散らばる効果のあるシンプルなデコレーションブラシで、作品にかわいいディテールを追加するのに役立ちます^^ a simple decoration brush with a scattering effect to help add cute details to your piece ^^



With default settings, the brush looks like this^

Feel free to play around with the settings to get different results! ^^


公開日 : 9時間前

更新日 : 3か月前

ro!!!!!!さんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

hello, call me Rosie or Ro! i'm still learning CSP and i'm experimenting making my own tools. clippy is appreciated but not necessary! i post some r-18 content so make sure your filters are on if you don't want to see that. english only, sorry ^^;
