木製ワゴン (Wooden Wagon) Wooden Wagon


  • 250
  • 無料

ウエスタン木製ワゴン Western Wooden Wagon

Blender で作成され、Wooden Windmill のパートナーアセットです。縮れないように、古いカート。ベーシックでローポリでありながら、バックグラウンド/プロップ/変換にも便利です。パーツ(プルやベンチなど)は、基本的なオブジェクトであるため、移動したり非表示にしたりすることはできません。

Created in Blender, it's a partner asset to the Wooden Windmill. An old cart, not to scale. While basic and low-poly, it's still useful for background/prop/conversion. The parts (such as the pull and the bench) cannot be moved or hidden, as it's just meant to be a basic object.

Disclaimer: I create my assets in Blender, often using reference images and models to guide me from various sites to guide my learning. While some of my models may resemble these references, they are significantly less detailed and lack textures. All uploads are my own work, and I never claim otherwise. I apologize if any similarities are too close, as this is unintentional but still quite flattering.

材料 Material

  • デフォルト品目 Default material

割り当てる Allocate

  • デフォルトのレイアウト Default layout


公開日 : 2時間前

更新日 : 2時間前

foxmasqueさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

I just wanted to share parts of my model hoard. I intend to keep most if not all free. Please enjoy!
