【限定10cp】ホログラフィックブラシ (【Limited 10cp】Holographic Brushes) 【Limited 10cp】Holographic Brushes


  • 708
  • 100 CLIPPY

さまざまな種類のホロ/虹色ブラシのセット a set of various types of holo/iridescent brushes

【期間限定で10cp - 後日100cpに調整】

【10cp for a limited time--will be adjusted to 100cp later】
custom made brushes from my own images, shown with normal and hard light layer styles. the example images use a couple of strokes.
the brushes use watercolor edges for the borders. feel free to adjust the opacity or width of the border to your own liking! 
it looks very pretty when used with overlay or hard light layers for a sparkling effect.

ホロ/イリディセント Holo/Iridescent

カスタムカラー Custom Color


公開日 : 11日前

更新日 : 3日前

Sihdielさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

i just wanna draw pinups and make fun assets. you can dm any questions you have.
