アーキテクチャの背景 (Architecture Background) Architecture Background


  • 6
  • 500 CLIPPY

これは、ビジュアルノベルのために作成した建築イラストです。これは、Googleを閲覧しているときに出くわしたアールヌーボーとさまざまなハンガリーの建築様式に触発されています。 This is an architectural illustration I created for my visual novel. It is inspired by Art Nouveau and various Hungarian architectural styles, which I came across while browsing Google.



I'm not entirely certain if these styles are accurately represented.

Whether you're designing a visual novel or any other creative work, this detailed and evocative artwork can add a unique touch to your project. Purchase this asset to enhance your visual storytelling with a touch of classic artistry.

カテゴリー1 Category 1



公開日 : 1か月前

更新日 : 1か月前

JuliaMersmannさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Just some weird german biologist and animal keeper with a hobby to paint fantasy-stuff. If you are interested in my art, please feel free to visit me at: https://www.deviantart.com/juliamersmann Or read my comics on: https://tapas.io/Jule_Illustration
