instant ramen pack 3d and brushes
これには、調理された麺とトッピング の3つのブラシと、未調理のタンタンラーメンの3Dモデルが含まれています 。
Plsは、代わりに次のような「copyrightfree-est-instantramen 3Dデータ」を使用します。
This is a food material for broke college student characters or a young master trying to experience simple regular life or food for both of them.
This contains 3 brushes of cooked noodles and toppings and 3d model of the uncooked intant ramen.
Edit* Changed the texture font to a handwritten font I made to avoid copyright issue.
Pls use the 'copyrightfree-est-instantramen 3d data instead which looks like this:
カテゴリー1 Category 1