米国船級協会!Vol.1 ラスター (Abs! Vol.1 RASTER) Abs! Vol.1 RASTER


  • 97
  • 80 CLIPPY

ラスタリしたABS画像素材イラスト線画のVol.1。(デビューフレンドリー! Vol.1 of abs image material illustration line art that's RASTERIED. (Debut friendly!)

これは、男性の胴体、特に腹筋ショットと引き伸ばされた胸筋の8 つのラスタライズされた 線画イラストのコレクションです。 
(他のABS! Vol.1とは異なり、ベクトルです。

私はこれがすべてのClip studioバージョンと互換性があると確信しています、私が個々のものをアップロードしようとしたとき、EX / ProとDebutの両方がラスターであるために選択されましたか?そして、私がオンラインで調べたものに基づいて、彼らは大丈夫のようでした。どのバージョンでも動作しない場合は、DMでお知らせください。正常に動作し、正しいバージョンを入手できることを確認したいと思います。(私はまだこれを正しく行う方法を学んでいるので、しばらくお待ちください!





8つのabイラスト画像素材の コレクションのサムネイル:

(このコレクションには、これらのさまざまな腹筋線画のイラストが含まれています。 各Abイラスト画像レイヤーはラスターレイヤーです!

これらの筋肉のカットが完全に色付けされているように見える  :


This is a collection of 8 RASTERIZED line art illustrations of the male torso and particularly ab shots and stretched pecs. 
(Unlike the other ABS! Vol. 1, which are vectors.)

I'm *pretty* sure this is compatilble with ALL Clip studio versions, as when I tried to upload each individual one, both EX/Pro and Debut were selected because they're rasters? And based on what I looked up online they seemed okay. If it does not work with any version, PLEASE let me know via DM! I want to make sure it works okay and that you get the right version! (I'm still learning how to do this correctly, so please be patient with me!)

Price will increase to 80 CP after initial 24 hours of upload!!

I tried exaggerating the stretches/twists and angles a little because I know from my own experience of researching it was always difficult to find good references for these kinds of shots of the abs and the pecs too.

This is not from any reference but freehand drawn. No models were used/traced.
Models can't stretch and twist like this!

I have a passion for illustrating the male muscular torso, and I portray them in my unique exaggerated muscular style. This was to accentuate a nicely "cut" set of muscles in the abdominals to maintain a leaner style that is highly appealing, even if the guy is really bulky. This style enhances the guy's muscle definition, making him look leaner and avoiding the typical "pudgy" appearance of a heavily muscular physique. I use this style in my illustrations to get some buff pretty boys without being obscene with their bulk. 

Thumbnail of a collection of the 8 ab illustration image materials:

(This collection contains these different abs line art illustrations. Each Ab illustration image layer is a raster layer!)

Example of how these cuts of muscles look fully colored:

To make your guy bulkier/bigger, accentuate his shoulders/ribcage/biceps. That's a quick way to make the guy look more masculine and bulkier, per say a "tank" kind of character. (The phrase "That guy is built like a tank!") That's a quick and easy way to do it without adding strange and obscure muscles :3

ラスタライズされたストレッチされた絶対値 Rasterized Stretched Abs

Abs bended over Rasterized (ラスタライズされた上に曲がった Abs Abs bent over Rasterized


公開日 : 9か月前

更新日 : 9か月前

Riotbee7さんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

An artist, author, supporter, and encourager who walks by faith, not by sight. Joshua 1:9
