打撲ブラシ(有料) (Bruise brushes (paid)) Bruise brushes (paid)


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術後の打撲傷を含む、あらゆる種類と治癒レベルの詳細でリアルな打撲傷を作るためのブラシのセットです。 A set of brushes for making detailed, realistic bruises of all types and levels of healing, including post-surgical bruising.


明るい肌と暗い肌のための基本的なオールインワンのあざブラシを備えた無料版があります。これらはこれらよりもはるかに使いやすく、おそらくほとんどすべてに問題ありません。その品目の番号は 2077682 です。  


また、死んだ血は、その後ろにどれだけの色素があっても人間と同じ色ですが、明るい肌と暗い肌の両方でリアルに見えるようにする方法を見つけるのに苦労しました。 私が見つけた暗い肌の最善の解決策は、ハードライトブレンディングモードに設定されたレイヤーにそれらを置き、正しく見えるまで不透明度を下げる ことです。すべての肌の色調で機能するように最善を尽くしましたが、無料パックには、肌の色が濃い人専用のブラシが付いているので、使いやすいかもしれません。



これらのブラシは、独自のレイヤーで使用 し、必要に応じてマージする必要があります。これは、あざに適切なテクスチャを取得するために暗くするブレンディングモードを使用しているためですが、レイヤーにすでに何かがある場合、それは本当に奇妙に見えます。また、肌の色が濃い場合は、不透明度をたくさんいじる必要があります。




追加の 3 つのブラシは次のとおりです。





These are a set of brushes intended for people who want to paint bruises but care about getting the apparent age of the bruises right, getting the shape exactly right, or who need to depict post-surgical bruising.

There is a free version which has basic all-in-one bruise brushes for light skin and dark skin. They are much easier to use than these, and are probably fine for almost everything. The number for that material is:  2077682

A note about the dark skinned depictions: I personally have incredibly light-colored skin, and I wasn't able to find references for anyone darker than a mid-toned African-American person. So if you are using these for a very very dark skin tone, you might need to make some adjustments to the blending modes. 

Also, although dead blood is the same color on humans no matter how much pigment is behind it, I had some trouble finding a way to make these look realistic on both light and dark skin. The best solution I found for dark skin is to put them on a layer that's set to Hard Light blending mode, and then decrease the opacity until it looks right. I did my best to make them work for all skin tones, but the free pack has a brush that is specifically for dark skinned people that you might find easier to use.

Lastly, these are for human bruises, if you need to paint aliens who are bruised, you're on your own. 😂

How to use them:

These brushes should be used on their own layer and then merged down if necessary. This is because they use the Darken blending mode to get the right texture for bruises, but if there's something already on the layer, it'll look really weird. Also, for dark skin, you'll need to mess around with opacity a lot.

As is usual for my brushes, tilt controls size. This means you can, for example, build up the yellow bruise edges with very soft flat strokes, get the meat of the bruising in with the purple, and then add some areas of deeper trauma with the red. The combo brush looks a little weird if used fully upright, so try to use it at a tilt until you get used to it. For the red & purple dots brush, tilt does not affect the size of the individual dots, only how spread out they are, so you'll need to change the overall brush size if you want a different size of dog.

There are nine brushes included in this pack in total: six basic bruise colof brushes and three additional brushes. The six colors:

1. Yellowed bruising. This is what the edges of bruises usually look like, where the blood has started to break down.
2. Light yellow bruising. This is what you need if you want to depict post-surgical bruising on light-skinned people. Those bruises are almost fluorescent yellow, and I haven't seen a brush set that includes that. So here it is!
3. Purple bruising. This is the color people think of when they think of bruises, but it looks really weird by itself. You'll want to use at least a little of the other colors with it.
4. Dull red bruising. This is the color of bruises that have just started to show. Also rug burns and other such abrasion and suction injuries.
5. Fresh red bruising. This is the color of light-toned skin that's reddened from being struck, like if someone has been slapped. It can be used on darker tones too but you'll want to crank down the opacity.
6. Fresh pink bruising. This is the color of extremely light-skinned people who have been lightly slapped, or the area around the edges of a harder slap. Looks pretty weird on darker skin tones but maybe you'll find a blending mode secret I didn't.

The three additional brushes are:
1. Combo brush: this uses CSP's dual brush feature to paint an entire bruise at one go. For some situations it works better than the free brushes, but it needs a very light hand and can look bizarre really fast.
2. Purple & pink dots. On very light-skinned people, the blood that gets trapped in the bottom of hair follicles causes this mottled effect. It can also be used to get a bit more texture into bruises on dark-skinned people.
3. Yellow light blender. This brush is here in case you get a bit of bruise that's just a little too sharp-edged but you don't want to redo the whole thing. It looks super weird and fake if you use it too much, but in small doses it can help fix things. This one tints things very lightly with your selected main color despite the name, so you'll want to select an appropriate color before you use it.

The colors of each of them are fixed, and each tip is unique. This helps the bruise feel a little more real, because there's less repetition, and means you don't need to worry as much about what color to use. (Unless you're painting an alien 👽, and then I can't help you.)

Here are the brushes that you might want to use to layer up a realistic bruise: the six color brushes and the dots brush.

Here is the combo brush demonstrated with both blend modes on a range of skin tones.

Here I'm demonstrating how you might want to decrease the opacity. The sides are mirror images of each other, just with a different background skin tone and layer blend settings.

I hope this helps you paint realistic bruises with less stress!

基本的なあざの色 Basic bruise colors

追加効果 Additional effects


公開日 : 6か月前

更新日 : 6か月前

kalanyさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Disabled and stuck in bed most of the time means I have a lot of time to learn to draw.
