相撲タックル1 (Sumo tackle 1) Sumo tackle 1


  • 254
  • 無料

相撲のアクションポーズコレクションにもう1つ追加されたのは、スリムな力士が大きな力士に立ち向かうシーンです。 Another addition to the sumo action pose collection, geared scenes involving a slimmer wrestler up against a larger wrestler.




Another addition to the sumo action collection that will be added to the complete collection. Keeping up with three dimentional quality, the pose is crafted with multiple perspectives in mind, so the artist can draw a similar scene different perspective.

The full version may be avalible hopefully by the end of the year. with a few bonuses to justify the clippy price. But I will still keep making free versions for you all. And maybe once I am done with the sumo collection, I will branch out to other themes such as sword fights, firefights, and mundane daily life poses.

I am still open to feedback, which helps a lot.

Thank you for support and appreciation. And I do hope the poses I make help ease your work flows.

カテゴリー1 Category 1


公開日 : 1年前

更新日 : 1年前

frostvulpineさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく
