デフォルトのKoyaペンのバリエーション。スケッチと線画の両方に適しています。 variation of the default koya pen. suitable for both sketching and lineart.
Koya Pen TRIANGLEは、微妙な質感とユニークな形状が特徴の万能ペンで、ツールを変えることなくスケッチと線画の両方が可能です。
The Koya Pen TRIANGLE is a versatile pen with a subtle texture and unique shape that allows for both sketching and lineart without having to change tools.
the specific nature of the pressure curve makes it so that there are two specific levels of pressure you can use to get lighter lines more suitable for sketching and heavier lines more suitable for lineart and clean edges.
You can get a rougher texture by adjusting the minimum value of the Random input pressure function.