2本指ハンド 素材カタログ (2-Fingered Hands Material Catalogue) 2-Fingered Hands Material Catalogue


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最近、片手2本の指で特定のキャラクターを描くことが多いので、珍しい解剖学的構造のキャラクターを描く他の誰かに役立つかもしれないと思いました!エイリアン、悪魔、何でもうまくいきます! I've been drawing a certain character with two fingers per hand a lot lately, I thought these may be useful to someone else drawing characters with unusual anatomy! Aliens, demons, whatever works!





Created at 600dpi on a 1500x1500 canvas. 

Since they're not very detailed, they're best used as reference material instead of incorporating them into your own line art.

Keep in mind that since this is fantasy/sci-fi anatomy it probably isn't that realistic ^^;

Example of use in my own work:

2本指の手 2-Fingered Hands


公開日 : 8か月前

更新日 : 8か月前

ro!!!!!!さんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

hello, call me Rosie or Ro! i'm still learning CSP and i'm experimenting making my own tools. clippy is appreciated but not necessary! i post some r-18 content so make sure your filters are on if you don't want to see that. english only, sorry ^^;
