翼の羽 (Feathers for Wings) Feathers for Wings


  • 1,325
  • 無料

羽を描きやすくするためのフェザーブラシ。 Feather brushes to make drawing wings easier.


サンプルは、羽を「仕上げる」ために手で羽を描いた赤を示していますが、黒はブラシだけです—少し 面倒ですが、作成するのに1分もかかりませんでした!開始と終了は、ニーズに合わせて変更できます。ブラシは永遠にシームレスにタイル化されるため、仕上げエッジは手作業で行う必要があります。


I get tired of drawing all the feathers every time I want to doodle something with wings, so I made a set of brushes with very basic feather designs for my own personal use and decided to share.

The sample shows red where the feathers were drawn by hand to "finish" the wing, while the black is just the brushes—it's a little messy, but took less than a minute to create! Starting and finishing can be modified to suit your needs; the brushes tile seamlessly forever, so finishing edges must be done by hand.

There is no fill color, just the outlines of the feathers, because they aren't really designed to be finished lines on a piece of art but rather to create a framework that's easy to draw over and add details to.

Free to start, but will be a paid asset later!

カテゴリー1 Category 1


公開日 : 1年前

更新日 : 1年前

GetValentinedさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

I draw things, sometimes I make brushes, and sometimes I think other people could use those brushes so they can also draw things.
