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Various brushes for fences and gates with decorative designs.
A total of 25 Rococo, Gothic, and Art Deco styles (17 designs).

Not only exterior gates and fences, but also handrails such as stairs and balconies
How about for windows and stained glass style decorations?

★☆★ 使用例・Usage example ★☆★

★☆★ 使用素材一覧&使用箇所 ★☆★
List of material used & locations used

別1…Medium Distant Wooden brush(Sold separately-1 ID:1716315)
別2…Art Nouveau drawing set(Sold separately-2 ID:1770486)
別3…Cherry Tree brush and  background 3 images(Sold separately-3 ID:1738565)
別4…Building group completed in 5 time zones(Sold separately-4 ID:1718683)
別5…Dirty textured Brushes-Rev.(Sold separately-5 ID:1736234)
別6…Battle Effects Drawing Brush Set(Sold separately-6 ID:1875488)
別7…Grass Brush 1(Sold separately-7 ID:1836743)
別8…Fabric pattern(Sold separately-8 ID:1834690)
別18…Kirapica White Brush(Sold separately-18 ID:1716830)

For the brush name, refer to "List of recorded brushes" at the bottom.

I adjusted it so that it looks beautiful. Please use it in various ways.

★☆★ 細部確認用の画像 ★☆★
For details confirmation: A part of the sample image of the usage example is enlarged.

★☆★ 出品データ・Listing data ★☆★

●ブラシ名の文字一覧  Brush name list

The "D" behind the letters of the castle means "decoration".

A1館D-ロココ門扉L Rococo-Gate/L
A2館D-ロココ柵L Rococo-Fence/L
B1館D-ロココ門扉M Rococo-Gate/M
B2館D-ロココ柵M Rococo-Fence/M
B3館D-ロココ柵S Rococo-Fence/S
C1館D-ロココシンプル門扉M Rococo-Simple-Gate/M
C2館D-ロココシンプル柵M Rococo-Simple-Fence/M
C3館D-ロココシンプル柵S Rococo-Simple-Fence/S
D1館D-ゴシック門扉L Gothic-Gate/L
D2館D-ゴシック柵L Gothic-Fence/L
E1館D-ゴシック門扉M Gothic-Gate/M
E2館D-ゴシック柵M Gothic-Fence/M
E3館D-ゴシック柵S Gothic-Fence/S
F1館D-ゴシックシンプル門扉M Gothic-Simple-Gate/M
F2館D-ゴシックシンプル柵M Gothic-Simple-Fence/M
F3館D-ゴシックシンプル柵S Gothic-Simple-Fence/S
G1館D-アールデコA門扉L Art-Deco-A-Gate/L
G2館D-アールデコa柵L Art-Deco-a-Fence/L
H1館D-アールデコB門扉L Art-Deco-B-Gate/L
H2館D-アールデコb柵L Art-Deco-b-Fence/L
I1館D-アールデコC門扉L Art-Deco-C-Gate/L
I2館D-アールデコc柵L Art-Deco-c-Fence/L
J1館D-アールデコD門扉M Art-Deco-D-Gate/M
J2館D-アールデコd1柵M Art-Deco-d1-Fence/M
J3館D-アールデコd2柵S Art-Deco-d2-Fence/S

A-Draw straight
Use special ruler "parallel lines"
Uses a perspective ruler with snap-ons only vertically and horizontally

A long straight fence and a guide frame for the image after deformation are prepared.
Overlap the fence and the guide frame.
"Enlarge / Reduce" reduces the width on the left and right.
Use the "Distortion" tool to align the top and bottom with the guide frame and complete!
Point-If the left and right width is not tightly shrink, it will be an extended image.

C-Copy multiple layers of original image.
Highlights with bright colors with light source side
Express the shadow with the diagonal side dark color.
Copy multiple layers of original image
Highlights with bright colors with light source side
Express the shadow with the diagonal side dark color.
Apply the effect on the layer while looking at each balance.

D-How to draw on a vector layer and adjust or process the arrangement later.
If you want to change the orientation, click with the object tool and operate
the pointer around it to rotate.
If you can't rotate it, try the following:
Select what you drew with the object tool and specify "Sub tool details" → "Brush tip" → "Line direction".

E- to change the height and width (thickness).
Select what you drew with the object tool and specify "Sub tool details" → "Brush tip" → "Thickness" → "Apply direction" → Select either "Horizontal / Vertical" → Change the number of "Thickness"

F-Tips for placement (+ flip left and right)
Draw straight according to the ruler. Click one of the fences with the object tool.
Invert by selecting "Brush tip" → "Left / right inversion" → "Invert" in the sub tool details.
Rotate 180 degrees. Move it to any position with the object tool.

G-How to change the color of the brush.
Can be changed to gray or color.
Change the main color and sub color to any color.
You can invert white and black.
If the main color and sub color are the same, it will look like the figure.
If you select what you drew on the vector layer with the object tool
You can change the main color and sub color later.

Various ways to make the line "thck or thin" as a whole
H-Use "Vector line correction"
Draw on a raster layer and convert to vector to correct the line width.
Areas with a high density of lines look natural by correcting the line width to make them thinner.
I-Use "selection range (color gamut specification)"
Adjust the line width by creating a selection area of ​​the line and "expanding/contracting" to paint or erase.
J-Use "boundary effect"
Draw on a raster layer, and from the menu bar above, "Convert brightness to transparency" to erase the white part.
After that, make a black line on the outside with "Boundary effect" of "Effect" of the layer property.
Add a white color to the background color.
K-Use "color reduction display"
Draw using the main black and sub white on the gray layer, and apply the "Gaussian blur" of "Blur" of "Filter" from the menu bar above.
After that, change to a monochrome layer and adjust the value of "Color/alpha threshold" from the layer properties.
L-After thickening the line, if you are concerned about the density, or if you make it thin and the line is cut or faint, it is recommended to correct it by hand drawing. It will be a beautiful finish.


Some of the explanatory images have thickened edges so that the design is easy to see.
Since the image for explanation is a sample, lines and characters are included. It is not included in the actual material.
If you want to add perspective perspective, change the shape.
Main and sub colors can be changed.



公開日 : 2年前

更新日 : 10日前

背景職人の館さんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

