スプラッターインクペン 2.1 (Splatter Ink Pen 2.1) Splatter Ink Pen 2.1


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スプラッターインクペンは、私のインクスプラットペンと組み合わせるために作られた、私は数年前から開発してきたインクブラシです。それは、可能な限り柔軟に、設定を調整することなく、さまざまな線の太さを達成できるように、異なる角度に反応する傾きと圧力に敏感なブラシです。 The Splatter Ink Pen is a inking brush I have been developing for several years now, made to pair with my Ink Splat Pencil. It is a tilt and pressure sensitive brush that reacts to different angles so that it can be as flexible as possible and achieve a variety of lineweight without adjusting the settings.



The Splatter Ink Pen is a inking brush I have been developing for several years now, made to pair with my Ink Splat Pencil. It is a tilt and pressure sensitive brush that reacts to different angles so that it can be as flexible as possible and achieve a variety of lineweight without adjusting the settings. Below is a sketch done with the pen, and some writing tests to show how the brush responds.

I have updated it to be more consistent in all ways, but particularly in opacity, pressure sensitivity, and at smaller sizes. I have also fixed issues with the brush texture.


公開日 : 2年前

更新日 : 2年前

Jibbletsさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく
