カーリーヘアペン (Curly Hair Pen) Curly Hair Pen


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A pen to help draw hair that is wavy or curly. It has multiple strands so the twists look more voluminous and natural. I think it's especially fun for princess (ringlet) curls.

I made it for myself so I'm not sure how easy it is to use, but I hope some find it useful!

上のデモでは、レイヤーの 「境界線効果」をオンにしてアウトラインを作成しています。白いペンの色と黒の境界線を使用して描画する場合は、「編集」を使用して「明るさを不透明度に変換」→ラインアートを作成できます。


(2) 通常のペンで一本鎖を追加して、より自然に見えるようにする
(3) 境界線効果を使用して[レイヤー プロパティ]→アウトラインを作成する
(4) 内線やハイライトなどの詳細を追加します。



To use this pen, you have to draw the hair in a wiggly, twisting manner yourself. It may take a little practice but it means you can choose to draw the curls looser or tighter as you please.
In the demonstration above, I have the layer's 'Border effect' turned on to create the outline. If you draw using a white pen colour and black border, you can use 'Edit' → 'Convert brightness to opacity' to create line art.

There are two types, a pen with 2 strands and a pen with 3 strands. I like to combine them for variety.

Process example:
① Use the hair pens to draw curly hair
② Add some single strands with a normal pen to look more natural
③ Create the outline with Layer Property → Border effect
④ Add details like inner lines, highlights, etc.

If the strands look too repetitive, you can rotate or flip the canvas while you draw to capture different angles of the pen.

Examples with light and dark hair:

巻き毛 Curly Hair


公開日 : 4年前

更新日 : 4年前

number11trainさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく
